
2016-08-26 14:50:37    tengfei    10068

Nice slides on your homepage can be eye-catching. Use Zsite to create slides. With Zsite 4.3 Beta+, Slide has been built-in, which means you can create multiple groups of slides and distribute them to several pages.

1. Go to " UI"->" Slide". Click "Create a group" to start upload your slides.


1. If you "Create a group" and upload slide to the default template, it will also show in Zsite Tartan and Wide-screen themes.

2. If you add "Slide" and its layout in default template settings, it will only show in the default template. If you change the template to Zsite Tartan or wide-screen, you have to add "Slide" and its layout again.

3. The size of images you uploaded to be in the same group should be the same.

2. After you upload images to create slides, you can upload an image or set the certain color as its background. If you check "Global", the button will show on every slide. With Zsite 4.3 Beta+, you can choose images from the source library.

3. You can upload several slides to one group, and switch their orders by clicking arrows next to the slide.
